Commercial Electrical Services
Licensed in the Carolinas, Georgia & Tennessee
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Q: Why do you charge for an estimate when a lot of companies offer an estimate for free?
A: The free estimate is designed for one thing only: to get someone in your house with the hopes of getting your work. The estimate you get is usually more of a guesstimate and it is not unusual for the bill to end up being much higher that the original estimate. This is especially true when you are given an hourly rate. We keep it simple and make sure there are no little nasty surprises when the job is finished. Our highly trained and professional technicians come to you home, find your problem, and give you a total and complete book price for completing the work. if it takes more time than the technician calculated you don't pay a penny more than the quoted price. we feel that the dispatch fee is a small price to pay for making certain that you are getting a well trained quality technician in your home.
Q: How can I compare your rates to other companies if you won't give me an hourly rate?
A: You can, if you can find another contractor willing to give you a total price instead of an estimate. Which had you really rather have - a rough estimate or the true final cost?
Q: Why can't I at least get a ballpark price over the phone?
A: A ballpark price is still an estimate; it's just an estimate based on very little actual information. What we would have to do is to figure any ballpark phone pricing higher than we actually expect it to be in order to protect ourselves. This isn't fair to you or to us. We prefer to maintain a professional approach to you and your needs by arriving at your home, doing a proper evaluation of your problem and giving you an exact price for the project.
Q: How do your prices compare with other electrical service companies?
A: We are very competitive with any reputable electrical service company. The old adage "If it looks too good to be true, it probably is" holds in our business as well. If you get a price that seems to too good, ask yourself, Where are they going to cut corners to do the work so cheaply? Are they going to do everything they say they are? Are they going to use the cheapest materials available? Are they properly insured? Are their technicians properly trained and certified? If they offer a warranty are they going to honor it after they have gotten your money and gone? Then, there's the big question: Is that low front end estimate going to cost a bundle more when the actual bill as presented? Our approach is to use quality products, well-trained technicians, and give you a total price for the project with no surprises at the end -- and we honor our warranties. We know that when we do a good job at a fair price you will call us again if you have another problem and you will also tell your friends about us. A satisfied customer is our best advertisement.
Q: Is Palmetto Residential Electric a franchise?
A: No, we are a family owned business that has been serving Charleston and the Carolina coast since 2002. We value our good name in the industry and look forward to meeting your needs for many years to come.
Q: What is troubleshooting and how long does it take?
A: Troubleshooting is how we go about finding out exactly what is the root cause of your problem. We go about this by a hands-on examination and testing of your wiring and listening to your description of the problem. The more you can tell us about the problem: when, where and how it occurred, the quicker we can uncover the underlying problem and give you an exact cost to correct it. A good deal of the time finding the right solution to the problem is easier than determining the cause of the problem. The good news to you is that you are given a total job cost for fixing the problem and your dispatch fee takes care of discovering the real cause of the problem.
Q: When can you get someone to my house?
A: We offer same-day service from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. seven days a week for the same low dispatch fee as well as 24 hour emergency service. Need someone at midnight? Give us a call. Since our technicians arrive in a well-stocked vehicle, it is very likely that they will have the materials on hand to complete the work. If for whatever reason our technician has to get additional parts, there is no additional cost for a return trip since we work on a job cost basis. The price you are given remains the same.
Q: Are most problems fixed the same day?
A: Since our technicians have the proper training and carry a large material stock most problems are solved the same day. In those cases where permits are required or the power company has to become involved we have to work on their schedules. When this happens we make every effort to keep you informed of what is going on and finish the work in a professional manner.
Q: Can I be billed later for my work?
A: To have a delayed billing process would require a substantial increase in administration costs and overhead which we would then have to pass on to you, the consumer. We want to keep our prices as low as possible while maintaining a high level of service, and one way to do this is to collect at the time of service. We offer a variety of payment plans including cash, personal checks and most major credit cards. We want to make the process simple, affordable, and keep your business when you need us again.
Q: How can I find out exactly what my work will cost?
A: Just give us a call and schedule an appointment. Once we have done the troubleshooting we will tell you exactly what the cost will be. We charge by the job, not by the hour so there are never any unpleasant surprises when the final bill is presented.
Q: What should I look for in hiring an electrical contractor?
A: There are a number of very important things to look for before hiring a contractor. First, they should be licensed and have the proper workers compensation and liability insurance. Working with electricity can be very hazardous and if someone that you hired is badly burned or injured while working in your home, you are responsible for those injuries if they do not have the proper insurance -- and your homeowners insurance probably will not cover these costs. The technicians should be properly trained, background screened, and drug-tested. Always ask about the warranties for both labor and materials. Sometimes saving a dollar or two by hiring the cheapest guy around can cost you a lot more money in the long run. At Palmetto Residential Electric we aspire to give you the best service at a fair price. We'll be there when you need us.